Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dog Poop Gallery (Passive Aggressive Signs)

Throughout Capitol Hill, one can find many signs gently reminding dog owners to clean up after their pets. Here's a treasury some of the best ones I've seen, ranked from least to most favorite:

7. This is a classic example of passive-aggressive signage. A cute dog-shaped sign in a calm shade of green subtly guilt-trips the owner who allows his or her dog "let loose" on this lawn.

6. This little "house" goes a step further to induce guilt. We see a pleasant sign, plus a little container that actually contains little dog poop bags. Note that one is NOT supposed to deposit filled bags in here. (Find out more about these pet waste containers and other products on this lovely website!)

5. This attention-grabbing signpost (note the CAPITALIZED RED LETTERS) admonishes unruly dogs -- or rather, their negligent owners.

4. This sign at Lincoln Park serves two purposes: to encourage poop-scooping AND discourage public drinking. For the record, I have never actually witnessed anyone drinking a martini while sitting outdoors in this park.

3. Another attempt at being "friendly" and cute, this time with a cartoon dog holding a pooper scooper. Note the passive-aggressive strategy of reminding the reader of the potential fines (plus penalty, in parentheses - nice touch!) that one could face for not scooping.

2. I like this sign very much.

1. My favorite dog poop sign stands right in front of the Folger Shakespeare Library. Appropriately enough, there's quite a "literary" flair to this sign: not only do we get some unusually authoritative word choice here ("police your dog," rather than a more colloquial "scoop the poop"), but the sequence of verbs also provides an elegant litany of actions: leash, curb, and clean.


  1. Very 'literary' indeed, but they omitted the serial comma, a personal pet peeve. I like the 'doggie waiting area' sign. It makes dogs feel welcome and unashamed to poop. As we all know, poop does indeed happen.


  2. D.C. - LOL, how could I not notice that punctuation choice? I also am quite attached to the serial comma (aka "Oxford comma"), as you can tell by my own punctuation. What would Shakespeare say about this?

  3. Biodegradable Dog Poop Bags are often designed with easy-to-tie handles or roll formats, making them convenient and user-friendly for pet owners on the go. These bags fit easily in pockets, purses, or backpacks, making them a great option for walks or hikes.
